Finding Real Safety in Love and Forgiveness

Have you ever thought about what it really means to protect yourself? Not just locking your doors or setting up passwords, but safeguarding your inner peace?

Today, let’s dive into some eye-opening spiritual ideas about flipping our ideas of defense and fear on their heads and discovering a path to true peace.

What Does “Defense” Really Mean?

Spiritual teachings toss out the old playbook on defense (you know, the one about fighting back or building walls). Instead, it introduces a radical idea: true protection comes from love and forgiveness. Yep, it sounds pretty out-there, but stick with me!

Why Traditional Defenses Don't Work

When we get defensive—angry, withdrawn, judgy—it's usually our ego talking. The ego loves to feel separate and threatened, but all this does is make us more anxious and scared.

Spiritual teachings points out that these kinds of defenses actually keep us stuck in fear rather than safe from it.

Forgiveness as the Best Kind of Defense

So, if getting defensive doesn’t really help, what does? Forgiveness.

According to spiritual teachings, forgiving others isn’t just about being nice—it’s the best way to protect our peace of mind. By forgiving, we’re basically saying, “Hey, your actions can’t hurt my real, peaceful self.”

Letting Go of Fear

Fear often comes from feeling disconnected—from others, from our true selves, and from a higher power.

A Course In Miracles teaches that the Holy Spirit (think of it as your ultimate helper) can show us how everyone is connected through love, not separated by fear.

How We Heal

Healing is all about changing our minds—not about changing the people or situations around us. It’s a shift from fear to love, from blame to forgiveness.

The Holy Spirit helps us make this shift, showing us the world in a whole new light.

Seeing with New Eyes

When we start seeing with what A Course In Miracles calls the Holy Spirit's vision, we realize that real safety doesn’t come from fighting or fleeing but from understanding our oneness with everything around us.

This brings a huge sense of relief and peace.


It’s all about swapping out our old ideas of defense for something much more powerful: embracing love and forgiveness. This doesn’t just change how safe we feel—it transforms our entire lives.

Think About This

When was the last time you felt defensive? Imagine what it would be like to respond with forgiveness instead of fear next time. How might that change the situation? How might it change you?

We’d love to hear how you’re rethinking defense and finding peace! Drop us a comment below or jot down your thoughts in a journal. Remember, every step toward forgiveness is a step toward peace.

With love,


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