Discovering Your Career Purpose: A Journey to Meaningful Work
Do you feel like the idea of working mostly for a job title or a paycheck isn’t enough anymore? It might have served a purpose driving you forward and up the corporate ladder…but it just isn’t enough anymore.
You might need to build a career that resonates with your core values and aspirations, may it be freedom, impact, or a better quality of life.
If you feel this calling within you, this inner intuition won’t get silenced, it will become louder and louder. Here are some insights on how to (re)invent your purposeful career.
Career Purpose Matters
A purpose-driven career is the difference between waking up excited on Monday mornings and counting minutes till the weekend. It aligns your profession with your personal values, strengths, and passions.
It mostly gives you energy vs depleting you from it.
It makes you act from an altruistic leadership vs an ego-driven leadership.
It brings you alive and might give you an additional reason to live.
So how do you discover this elusive career purpose?
Step 1: Reflect on Your Values
Start with curious introspection, it’s always worth re-discovering oneself through a beginners’ mind.
What matters most to you?
Is it creativity?
Is it leading a team?
Is it innovation?
Is it helping others?
Or is it freedom or financial independence?
You might appreciate all of these things,. Knowing yourself deeply is being able to identify the top 1 or 2 values that vibe the most for you right now.
Remember that identifying your core values is the first step in aligning your career with your personal beliefs.
Step 2: Assess Your Strengths and Passions
What are you good at, and what do you love doing?
Sometimes, these are things that come so naturally to you that you undervalue them. Your gifts are valuable for your career and for the collective.
Your unique way of thinking and doing coupled with your unique life experience, such as your studies, your past work experiences, your family background (…) makes you specifically good at some things you actually love to do.
Can you recognize these things?
What would you be ready to pay to do as a job for a week if you could?
Can you identify the missions you wish to explore?
Can you list the reasons why you think you would like to experience these?
Can you sense the feelings you pursue specifically?
Whether it's problem-solving, communicating, innovating, or caring, recognizing your strengths is key to finding a career that leverages them :)
Step 3: Envision Your Ideal Career
Now let’s have fun. Let’s play with your imagination, and let’s see where that takes you. The key of this exercise is to actually do it, and not just read these words.
Imagine a day in your dream job. What are you doing?
Be precise, detail your day hour by hour.
Let yourself freely imagine, visualize, or sense the way you would love to experience this day in your dream job.
Who are you helping? How does it make you feel?
Take some time to identify what relationships you form through your ideal job. Who are your clients?
How do you want to work with them?
What do you want to feel as you work with and for them?
This step allows you to connect emotionally with the version of yourself who lives a purposeful career.
Step 4: Research and Explore
Now, let’s turn your vision into potential career paths.
Give yourself permission to feel enthusiasm in researching industries, roles, and companies that align with your values and strengths.
Once you find what lights you up, decide to reach out with professionals in these fields for informational interviews. Be curious and enthusiastic, people love ot talk about their careers and lives, especially when they appreciate the mission they serve.
This step is simple, but it will take time and energy. Just decide to explore with curiosity, and reach out to discover who are the people who have these careers, what drives them, and what are their challenges.
Step 5: Plan and Take Action
Now that you have a clearer idea of your purposeful career, start planning and moving towards that direction.
The secret is that whether the direction is confirmed or not doesn’t matter. What matters is that you start experiencing who you would be as you move towards that reality through simple mini steps. You will gather more information through these steps, and that is what will allow you to build your own path, whether it is pursuing what you initially thought of or something else.
It’s not the precise idea about what your next career move is that guarantees your success. It’s your ability to take simple actions towards that direction, gathering information as you start experiencing that reality, and evolving or pivoting along the way.
This step might mean seeking additional training, networking in your chosen field, or even starting a side project. Remember, every small step is progress.
Embrace the Journey
Finding your career purpose isn't a one-time event; it's a continuous journey. Expect twists and turns, and remember that each step brings you closer to a career that's not just a job, but a reflection of who you are.
Are you ready to move forward and evolve your career towards success, impact, and fulfillment?
Whether you know what you want to do next but you lack self confidence, and you haven’t done it ; or whether you’re already transitioning but you’re facing whole new levels of challenges and you want a coach to maximize your success, this is what this session is for.
Either way, I’m excited to meet you! Here's what to expect:
After you book, I'll send you a confirmation email with a couple of short questions about your background prior to our session + a link to process the payment.
Once you have paid, I will send you the detailed agenda for our time together.
After our video call, you'll receive a follow-up email including:
The recording of our meeting for you to keep
An actionable summary of what we discussed, highlighting the 3 next steps to move forward in building your career evolution
A journaling template for thoughts and beliefs downloads
A custom template of my self coaching system
And a roadmap of your next 3-6 months towards your new career!