Don't Just Adapt to tech, amplify Your Coaching impact and Business thanks to AI-Powered marketing & sales


Are you yearning to wake up enthusiastic, feeling empowered by AI to grow your coaching business while maintaining your authentic touch?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the rapid advancements in AI, unsure how to integrate them into your coaching practice without losing your personal connection with clients?

It is possible to align AI tools with your coaching values and aspirations, without sacrificing the human element that makes your work special.

Perhaps you fear that if you don't embrace AI, you'll fall behind in the coaching industry and miss out on opportunities to scale your impact.

Or maybe you think AI integration is possible for tech-savvy coaches, but it would be too complex for you because and you feel already left behind “so, what’s the point?”

I've helped coaches harness the power of AI, and transform their businesses while enhancing their unique coaching styles.

I'm a former Tech Executive, with years of experience bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and human-centered businesses. I've worked with coaches from various backgrounds, helping them leverage AI to amplify their impact and grow their audience engagement.

At first, I was skeptical about AI in coaching business. I had it "all": a growing coaching practice and satisfied clients. But I felt I was hitting a ceiling, unable to scale my impact or free up time for personal growth. That's when I discovered the power of AI in business.

The problem wasn't AI replacing coaches, or technology overshadowing the human touch. The problem was not knowing how to harmoniously integrate AI to grow my impact.

Now, I help coaches find their unique AI-enhanced path, navigating the unknown, and evolving their coaching businesses in ways that energize and inspire them. I can help you recalibrate your approach to technology, realign your coaching strategies, and recreate a thriving, AI-enhanced coaching business.

I believe that each coach possesses a unique combination of skills, experiences, and passions that can be amplified - not replaced - by AI, creating a more impactful and financially rewarding coaching career.

And I know that by combining the right mindset with practical AI strategies, you can create... whatever you want in your coaching business.

I'm excited to share the creation of the "AI for Coaches: Align Technology + Strategy + Mindset to Succeed" program. This program has helped coaches break free from technological overwhelm, grow beyond the limitations of traditional marketing and sales methods, and engage in professional evolutions that truly align with who they are as coaches. Whether that's scaling their practice, creating innovative coaching products, or offering cutting-edge client experiences.

  • This program is adaptable and applicable to all situations in your coaching career. The principles you learn can be used whether you're looking to completely transform your coaching business or enhance your current practice with AI. These principles can also be applied to other areas of your business and coaching life.

  • The program provides the means to create your freedom. I've helped clients design AI-enhanced coaching careers that allow them to emancipate themselves and create a more aligned lifestyle. Some have chosen to live more freely, coaching from anywhere in the world. Others have created unsuspected new opportunities without leaving their current coaching niche. Some have launched AI-powered coaching products, learning to unleash their creativity and create income on their own terms.

  • This program is conducive to creating a life with more joy and more meaning. The challenge is fulfillment through alignment with what is most authentic for you as a coach, now. If you know deep down that you want to create something that inspires you so much, but you're afraid of not creating sufficient financial ease, or if you want your coaching to have more meaning and positive impact on society, the important thing is that you honor that. You're not alive to conform to a coaching reality that no longer suits you. And this program can help you find the path starting from what resonates deeply inside you. The program will teach you how to access your inner fundamental base to move forward into the unknown and build a fulfilling coaching career enhanced by AI.

  • The program leads to financial prosperity. We're never as inspiring, motivated, and convincing as when we're doing what resonates deeply with ourselves. When we learn to align with what calls us, what makes us vibrate, what gives us energy, we create the best possible basis for improving our financial situation. And as the years go by, it makes an even bigger difference.

  • The program is designed to give you new momentum. By reconnecting with your body, your values, discovering which beliefs to keep and which to let go of, and learning to embody a more authentic version of yourself as a coach, your professional life can become an expression of your truth. And when that's the case, you access tenfold energy. And it becomes exponential.

    When you align your coaching career with the call of your soul and the power of AI, you never *really* work another day in your life.

...You might have doubts and concerns. They might look like this...

"But I'm not tech-savvy enough to use AI effectively."

"I have no idea how AI could enhance my coaching style."

"Who would want an AI-enhanced marketing experience? Isn't coaching all about human connection?"

"I can't handle the uncertainty of integrating AI into my marketing and sales."

"This won't work for me. My coaching niche is too specialized for AI."

"It's too late for me to start learning about AI."

"I'll have to compromise my coaching values to use AI effectively."

These are legitimate concerns.

But many of these ideas are not true at all.

They're probably limiting beliefs keeping you stuck in a coaching path that no longer makes you vibrate.

These are ideas that may be true for some coaches, but you know you don't want them to be true for you.

These are not ideas I recommend basing your professional or life choices on.

And if you're here, if you're considering this, it's because deep down inside you, something is ready.

With the "AI for Coaches: Align Technology + Mindset + Strategy to Succeed" program, I'll guide you through the steps and process to evolve in deep alignment with yourself while leveraging the power of AI.

The process to identify your deep aspirations as a coach (you know, the ones you barely dare to dream), access the wisdom and information of your body, reprogram your beliefs that prevent you from moving forward, integrate your emotions, steer a course, and redesign your coaching career with AI as your ally.

More and more coaches wish to redefine and reinvent their careers in the age of AI. They realize that traditional advice doesn't lead to true fulfillment or success. The new generation of coaches massively understands that life is too short to spend it in positions that drain our vital energy and make us feel lacking in usefulness. Tomorrow's coaching leaders understand that mission and alignment of coaching practices with the planetary challenges that await us should be at the basis of all strategic decisions taken.

If you recognize yourself in these questions, I know what you're going through. I've been there, and I'm still on this path. I've done a huge amount of exploration and experimentation over the past few years, and I want to guide you step by step.

Because I know it's possible to live a fulfilling coaching life enhanced by AI, and not regret at 60 that you didn't really live your coaching dream.

The "AI for Coaches: Align Technology + Mindset + Strategy to Succeed" Program is open for registration.

Je suis ravie de vous accueillir dans ce programme et de vous aider à créer une carrière qui vous passionne, qui fait une différence et qui vous apporte la sécurité financière que vous méritez !

(Inscrivez-vous maintenant ou continuez à faire défiler pour plus d'informations...)

Les séances de coaching avec Céline me permettent à la fois de prendre du recul sur mes émotions et de prendre conscience de mes propres ressources, de définir mes priorités, et de construire un plan d’action en étant ancrée, alignée.

J’apprécie sa connaissance du monde du business, sa qualité d’écoute, sa capacité à questionner et reformuler avec une grande clarté…et bien sûr…son sourire communiquant !
A l’issue d’une séance je me sens libérée, ancrée, reconnaissante…
Très belle rencontre avec Céline que je remercie et  recommande !


Lorsque j'ai rencontré Céline, j'étais engluée dans une situation professionnelle depuis des années. Confortable mais ankylosée. J’ai pris la décision d investir sur moi, et de me faire accompagner par Céline. Mi coach, mi doula. Elle m a aidée à accoucher de quelque chose qui était déjà présent. A écouter la voix de l’intuition, au milieu du brouhaha tourbillonnant de pensées limitantes. A avancer main dans la main avec la peur, grâce à des outils concrets, une oreille efficace et bienveillante. Une présence en filigrane dans l’intervalle de nos séances. Après 17 ans, j’ai enfin quitté la situation professionnelle qui ne semblait plus assez contribuer à mon bien-être. Merci Céline.


Celine helped me eradicate limiting beliefs around money that I didn't know I had.

She guided me into looking at them without fear and transforming them into powerfully supportive statements that I feel are true and confident about embodying.

Clients came literally within 24 hours, equivalent to 15 000 €!


Module 1 : CLARTÉ ET Fondations

Commençons par voir clairement où vous en êtes maintenant. Nous ferons une évaluation complète de votre situation actuelle, en identifiant ce qui fonctionne, ce qui ne fonctionne pas et ce qui doit changer. Ce module vous aidera à préparer le terrain pour votre transformation et vous donnera la clarté dont vous avez besoin pour avancer.

Module 2 : (re) Découvrir Vos Aspirations

Il est temps de croire à ce à quoi vous aspirez profondément. Dans ce module, vous identifierez vos véritables désirs, et vous découvrirez ce que vous voulez vraiment pour votre carrière et pour votre vie. Nous utiliserons des techniques et des exercices d'introspection pour vous aider à vous connecter à vos aspirations les plus profondes.


Apprenez à équilibrer et à discerner quand écouter les messages de votre corps. Vous apprendrez à décrypter quand vous êtes sous l’influence du stress, et comment vous recalibrer pour poser des actes qui ont beaucoup plus de chances de vous permettre de réussir. Ce module vous donnera les outils pour accéder à la sagesse infinie et l’information non filtrée de votre corps.

Module 4 : TransformER votre PENSÉE POUR TRANSFORMER votre VIE

En s'appuyant sur le module précédent, vous apprendrez à identifier, reformuler et commencer à changer vos croyances limitantes et vos schémas de pensée négatifs (ils sont peut-être là depuis votre enfance). Vous apprendrez des techniques puissantes pour recadrer votre état d'esprit et créer un système de croyances qui soutient dans la durée votre réinvention de carrière.


Découvrez la connexion profonde entre vos pensées et vos émotions, et apprenez à tirer parti de cette compréhension à votre avantage. Ce module vous équipera de stratégies pour accueillir, ressentir et utiliser vos émotions. Ce module vous permettra d’apprendre à renforcer votre confiance et votre résilience pour naviguer votre évolution professionnelle.

Module 6 : NOURRIR l'Énergie AU SERVICE DE VOTRE Évolution

Dans ce module final, vous apprendrez à gérer votre énergie au quotidien pour soutenir votre évolution continue. Nous couvrirons des techniques pratiques pour vous connecter à la version de vous qui vit ce à quoi vous aspirez. Vous apprendrez à revenir encore et encore en alignement avec vos aspirations profondes, et à poser des actions inspirées de la part de vous en confiance. Vous commencerez à agir à partir de la nouvelle version de vous : épanouie et dans l’aisance.


Coaching Pour Réussir : 3 sessions One-To-One de coaching personnalisé de 45 minutes avec moi - valeur : 360€

Corps + Mental + Esprit Equilibrés : 7 jours de sessions de yoga de 12 minutes pour commencer la journée centré(e) - valeur : 77€

Manifester vos aspirations : L’Ebook de 20 pages d’explications et d’exercices guidés pour manifester ce à quoi vous aspirez au fond de vous - valeur : 33€

Dès votre inscription, vous recevrez les accès aux bonus. Le Module 1 démarrera la semaine du lundi 30 septembre 2024, toutes les informations vous seront envoyées par email.